In addition, the engine identification number is punched into a flat surface under the injection pump (red arrow). The VIN cannot be determined from the engine number. Adhesive type plates are put in place at the works and cannot be removed without being destroyed. On adhesive type plates the engine number is called the Serial No. The engine number is printed onto an adhesive type plate. (Vehicle identification number)ģ.1.1 Location of the engine number on compact excavators, zero tail-swing excavators and wheel loaders
The following data appear on the type plate: The type plates are sometimes printed and the VIN and model year are stamped on. The type plate with the VIN is stuck on and is on the front mounting of the bow of the vehicle, on the leftĢ.1.4 Location of the type plate on crawler dumpers The VIN plate is glued to the front right side of the cab platform frame member.Ģ.2.1 Shape of VIN plate in compact excavators, zero tailswing compact excavators, wheel loaders and crawler dumpers The VIN plate with VIN is glued or riveted to the front of the body.Ģ.1.3 Location of the type plate on wheel loaders 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 Location of the type on compact excavators and zero tail-swing excavators